"There was a little bit of a lull on that road trip when the dust settled, and you realized [Corey is] really not coming back. You could tell the energy he brings... was missing. You mourn that loss, and then you realize, 'Alright, it's not changing, so what are we going to do to get the energy back?' We realized other guys have to step up.
A younger guy is more willing to speak up and more comfortable in a home environment. You get to chat with them more about their lives. Little things come out of those dinners that help the bonding experience.
Sometimes on teams that have had rough years, you get some guys that are a little selfish or caught in that losing mentality. In here, there's a lot of guys that just want to get better.
Yeah, there's going to be growing pains. Our record is what it is. But it's a group that cares. When you come in here in this environment, you know at least there's a process in place." - Foligno in the wake of Corey Perry's dismissal