Drama surfacing in Vancouver after player agent publicly calls out Canucks over treatment of young goalie

Mike Armenti
July 31, 2022  (4:24 PM)

The Vancouver Canucks find themselves under fire after comments from the agent of one of their top goaltending prospects went public this week. According to Darren Ferris, the past management regime made several obvious blunders with his client, Michael DiPietro - most notably, ignoring him almost entirely for stretches. The issue only got worse for DiPietro when the Canucks' new management regime took over and essentially buried him on the depth chart with the addition of Collin Delia in free agency and putting a heavier focus on developing Spencer Martin and Arturs Silovs.

"He's a super kid. He's really mature and a very special person and has handled everything quite well. A lot of players wouldn't even be able to endure the lack of attention that maybe the organization had given to him.

"There are occasions where they've dropped the ball on his development. The truth of the matter is that the bulk is more on the organization than it is on the player in this instance. Hopefully, we can get him in the right position."

-Darren Ferris on Michael DiPietro

The Canucks have already committed to working towards trying to find DiPietro a new home this summer. At just 23 years old, the Windsor, ON native still has plenty of time to turn things around and get himself back on track with a fresh start elsewhere - even if he does need to start out in the American Hockey League. In 34 games this past season with the Abbotsford Canucks, DiPietro posted a 15-13-4 record to go along with a 2.95 GAA and a .901 save percentage. A far cry from where his game was at during his time with the Windsor Spitfires in his Major Junior days.
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