Biz Nasty makes wild prediction about the Leafs following the home opener

Mike Armenti
October 13, 2023  (10:40)

We all know that Paul "Biz Nasty" Bissonnette loves the Leafs. For each of the last couple of seasons, Bissonnette has picked the Leafs to win the Stanley Cup and he has released a number of hype clips last season regarding the Leafs.

Now, coming into the 2023-24 season, the Buds have a whole new philosophy under GM Brad Treliving and are buying into the "snot, piss and vinegar" narrative. The Spittin' Chiclets crew seems united in that guys like Ryan Reaves, Max Domi and Tyler Bertuzzi were guys that the Leafs needed this summer. They also seem to be united about a very specific take that Bissonnette shared on this week's podcast.
"You know what's going to happen - they're going to be .500 after 12 games and the f***ing city is going to be losing their minds. Every year, it happens. Every year, at the start of the year - don't take the bait online... They might win their first few games and they'll drop 3 or 4 in a row. They're going to be .500 after 12 and the f***ing city is going to be ready to burn down. I'm telling you, it's happening." - Bissonnette on the Leafs

It's not an unreasonable take. We know how volatile this fanbase can be and how quickly we can turn on a dime. There are plenty of reasons to be optimistic about this team, but it seems like every year, it's the same thing. The Leafs don't start on time. They start slow, they don't play a full 60 minutes and before you know it, it catches up to them and they lose a few games playing from behind, turning it on in the third, when it' too little, too late. They always seem to clean it all up by the middle of the season, but it almost always starts the same.
I'd love for this group to prove us all wrong this season, and I'm sure Biz would like to see the Leafs make him eat his words by coming out strong and staying hot through much of the season. Obviously, every Leafs fan wants to see this team bring the heat in the playoffs, but hey - we have to get there first.
13 OCTOBRE   |   109 ANSWERS
Biz Nasty makes wild prediction about the Leafs following the home opener

Do you think Paul Bissonnette's Leafs prediction will be correct?

Biz is right on the money here. It's happening2522.9 %
I hope he's wrong, but he's probably right3935.8 %
No, this is our year to finish atop the Atlantic2825.7 %
This time it will be different1715.6 %
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