"Cowan has a lot of ways to play," one NHL scout, who requested anonymity, said. "The points are a big bonus, but I'm sure Toronto thought it was getting a high-energy player who would improve offensively. I think he is an offensive-play driver and he has really taken a step this year. The most exciting thing about Easton Cowan is his game just seems to get better. He went from playing on London's top line last year with (Ryan) Winterton and (Denver) Barkey to becoming 'The Man'.
He has some fourth-line attributes but plays at a first- or second-line level," the scout said. "He has Leafs fan favourite written all over him. He is so energetic, but he's not a fourth-line wind-up toy. He knows his strengths � speed and thinking the game � and plays to them. I hate to say it, but Knights fans might want to watch him a lot this year because I think he might play in the NHL next season." - Anonymous NHL Scout on what Easton Cowan brings to the table.