This drew the ire of Cam Charron, a writer for The Athletic, who put Parros on blast on social media, stating that Parros doesn't look at the hits and plays alone - he consider whether or not the player who was hit has a reputation for being on the tougher side. If he deems that the player being hit, per Charon, is a "wimp", the review often stops right there, with no discipline handed out.
Carron continued on to state that the NHL simply cannot continue to employ Parros in its Player Safety department and, you know something? He has a point. Player Safety at its root is supposed to keep players safe. When it fails to do that, the department is ineffective and pretty much pointless. Charron also questioned whether or not Parros is even watching games at all.
I think anyone who watches the NHL with any regularity is aware of a glaring issue with the way Player Safety is addressed. We have yet to see the DoPS deal with these matters with any real consistency and the decisions that Parros does come to are often questioned and criticized by both the fans and the media. The real drag is that when teams don't agree with the rulings, they can't even contest them publicly, because the league has handed out some hefty fines to coaches and players who have criticized Player Safety rulings in the past.