Coach loses a finger during junior league game

Kevin Guild
September 13, 2022  (9:38)

If you are squeamish, you might want to look away. Seriously, watch this at your own risk.

Hockey is a fast-paced game where injuries and accidents are inevitable. While most hockey-related Injuries tend to be incurred by, well, those actually playing the sport, every now and then we hear of a spectator involved in some sort of freak accident. While very rare, there have indeed been instances where referees have found themselves colliding with players (usually not ending in their favor) or even a puck to the face.

Bench bosses are no exception, as they too, are susceptible to injuries � and this recent injury suffered by a coach is surely going to make you cringe.A gruesome video has emerged in what appears to be a junior league game, (I am assuming it's junior league because all players are wearing cages). If you watch the video, take notice of the scoreboard, because the incident occurs at some point between 4:49 and 4:47 remaining on the clock. Near the bottom left-corner of the screen, you will notice a small object go flying over the penalty box glass. Well, it turns out that the small object was one of the coach's finger.

After reading a few of the twitter comments, it seems that the coach was trying to either close or climb the penalty box, and while doing so, his wedding ring got hooked onto something and tore his finger right off. The technical name for this type of injury is a "ring avulsion". I am cringing just at the thought of this so I am going to leave it at that. If you want to learn more about this spine-chilling injury, google it at your own discretion.

Though I don't want to add salt to this poor coach's wound, one really has to wonder what on Earth was this guy doing and what the heck was he hoping to accomplish?

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