Luke Schenn all but promises retribution for the play that injured Matthew Knies

Mike Armenti
May 6, 2023  (8:02 PM)

During the 1st period of Thursday's Game 2 against Florida, the Leafs were dealt a significant blow when Panthers forward Sam Bennett injured Leafs winger Matthew Knies, slamming him into the glass and then to the ice, with force.

Following the game, it was revealed that Knies would miss at least the next 2 games with a concussion, and possibly even the rest of the series, depending on his symptoms. Knies has been one of the Leafs' most effective forwards, so the loss will certainly be felt.
The Leafs didn't have any sort of a physical response to the play initially, largely because of how the situation unfolded, behind the net and away from the play. Knies was also able to get up and skate off the ice under his own strength.
On Saturday, following practice, the media met with a number of Leafs, including "The Human Eraser" himself, Luke Schenn. Schenn was asked point blank during the media scrum whether or not the Leafs are planning for an "appropriate physical response" against Sam Bennett, since the Department of Player Safety wouldn't step in and hold Bennett accountable for his actions. Schenn's response was vague in his reply, so as to not give Player Safety any ammunition to use against the Leafs once they take their pound of flesh.
"Well, we'll see what the response is." - Schenn on whether or not the Leafs will seek retribution for what happened to Knies at the hands of Bennet

Obviously, Schenn isn't going to say anything that can be used against him. I liked his response here - and it also leaves things open to interpretation and will keep Bennett and the Panthers guessing. You can count on the fact that anytime Bennett touches the puck, he'll be looking over his shoulder, concerned about who may be on the ice, as many Leafs have already taken a mental note of his number.
I can't wait for tomorrow night's game!
6 MAI   |   1666 ANSWERS
Luke Schenn all but promises retribution for the play that injured Matthew Knies

Will Luke Schenn catch Sam Bennett with his head down tomorrow night?

Yes89553.7 %
No21512.9 %
Something better happen, be it a hit or a fight55633.4 %
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